Exemplar-based clustering for GPUs githubbadge

This repository provides an CUDA implementation of the Exemplar-based clustering submodular function. This GPU algorithm has originally been discussed in:

Philipp-Jan Honysz, Sebastian Buschjäger, & Katharina Morik. (2021). GPU-Accelerated Optimizer-Aware Evaluation of Submodular Exemplar Clustering.

The algorithm can both be used from C++ and Python.

Install Python package from source

The following requirements have to be met in order to build this package from source:

  • A CUDA compliant GPU with compute capability 5.3 or newer (NVIDIA Pascal architecture or newer).

  • NVCC >= 11.2.67 (older versions may work, however, at least CUDA 11 is required since C++17 compiler support is mandatory.)

  • CMake >= 3.13

  • OpenMP

Building is then conducted by following these steps:

  1. Recursively clone this repository by issueing git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:philippjh/exemcl.git

  2. Change your working directory to the root of the repository. Run pip install .

  3. The Python package manager will now build and install the package.

Running the test suite

This package provides two test suites: The first test suite confirms correct operation of the library within Python and writes a set of test files to disk. The second test suite confirms correct operation of the library within C++ and is intended to provide extensive information on code coverage. It is required to run the Python test suite prior to the C++ test suite since latter relies on those test files, which were written to disk by the Python test suite. Hence, to run both test suites follow these steps:

  1. Recursively clone this repository by issuing git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:philippjh/exemcl.git

  2. Change your working directory to the root of the repository. Run python3 tests/UnitTests.py. Verify, that a testfiles directory has been written to the tests folder.

  3. (Optional, if you want to run the C++ test suite): Create a build directory, e.g. by issuing mkdir build from the repository root directory and cd into that folder.

  4. Create the required Makefiles by running cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ... Replace Release with Debug if you are interested in coverage data.

  5. Run make. Once building has finished, you can perform the C++ tests by running the exemcl-tests executable.


Part of the work on this paper has been supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the Collaborative Research Center SFB 876 “Providing Information by Resource-Constrained Analysis”, project A1, http://sfb876.tu-dortmund.de and by the German Competence Center for Machine Learning Rhine Ruhr (ML2R, https://www.ml2r.de, 01IS18038A), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research.